so yep sold 50% of my ltc to buy xmr!
I see xmr rising above 50$ soon once it does,
I'm going to split it with cloak coin and ecc
hopefully ecc will experience the crazy surge in price again as it did in June.
and ltc not sure exactly if we will hit 150$ by august 1, but will keep 50% of portfolio in ltc just in case :)
Betting on 1 horse is risky. Not sure if LTC can surge higher. I think it will stabilize this month.
Cool stuff and beautiful pics! I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3
we should hit $100+ by aug 1st really,
and yeah ill follow you too :)
put all your money in LTC
Why should he? Peace
yeah, i'v been following ltc when it was at 3-4$
with that said
i see it gong above $500 in the next 2-3 years, but for a healthy portfolio you need to diversify