Litecoin produced highest returns over the last 12 months vs the Top 10 Cryptos — 365%

in #litecoin7 years ago



Who wants to hear about 12 month returns, when over the past 5 months the market has taken away 50% for many.

All that is true....but let’s go back 12 months. Would we be happy with 365% Litecoin return over the past 12 months?
What stock market or investment gave you this.

A little price history for LTC and how happy you are all depends on when you got in.


Is the “best ahead” for 2018/2019? Only my opinion....yes. We will look back at when we could have gotten Litecoin at $120 and laugh. Let’s look back on this June 2019 and compare.

A little known very positve fact about Litecoin. LTC now has a higher “hash rate” than Ethereum.


A higher hash rate bodes for a stronger product and and one that more people will believe in.

I will ask that the techies way in and help us with the news:


Good post

Thank you :-)

I remember buying it around 12 months ago, i had no idea what it was though, i just thought oh this one is the new bitcoin and it's still cheap. Something buying what you don't understand pays off, lol

I think there are many alt coins that will be like this once again in 12 mos. —if I had to guess: theta, Walton, Digibyte.

So many coins, must a new one out every week or two.

True, have to be very careful.