

P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.

Bernie serious question....
Do you think that you are making any difference here with this ongoing and repetitive childish game of "you are getting raped" (specially when you are a rapist yourself)?

Who cares about followers for real here.
The majority of accounts aren't active PERIOD.

Anyway I do hope you can answer it with honesty at least.
I actually feel sorry for you. Your heart is in the right place.
Many DO see you are the savior that you (at times) behave as.
However the ones who YOU actually want approval from.
Have turned their backs on you long ago, and this bothers you immensely.
So that is why I believe you are a tortured soul.
A hero yes. Destined to never achieve the desired victory though.

All the best.
Oh and if I become a target too.... ohh noooes!!

Take care girl.