My takeaway on Oscar Wilde's "The Ballad of Reading Gaol".

in #liter2 years ago

Disclaimer: Before I begin, I will say that I am not an expert nor have a professional degree when it comes to critiquing the works of a specific literary work. This is entirely based on my opinion and how I perceived it.


Oscar Wilde was a prominent writer. His works has been engraved in our history and prevalent up until today. I've known him for his work of "The Picture of Dorian Gray". I have watched the movie adaptation of it and I was amazed by how his mind works. I was too young when I last saw the film but one of the main things that I will not forget about it is that, "Vanity is just a facade. A false representation of what you truly are." That's how I foresee it and I can never unsee it on my mind.

My cousin had this book of him entitled, "The Ballad of Reading Gaol". I'm fond of reading and writing poetry however, with this book, it took me a lot of convincing days to properly sat comfortably on my bed, in a gloomy afternoon to read it. And bang! -
Pain and agony. All I could say is that, you should prepare yourself when you plan on reading this book. I was not prepared for an emotional torture. My empathetic self could never! I think- to be fair, no human being is sane enough- if not battered, wrecked by this masterpiece. I said what I said, it is a Masterpiece!

I understand that this work of art was written, inspired, by his experience during his incarceration for being homosexual. And knowing the fact that he was able to get through such tremendous scrutiny by the public was truly applaudable and remarkable.

To be completely transparent, I bawled my eyes out while reading to this book. I was compelled by how he expressed himself through his words and narratives. In every line, in every stanza, I almost could not hold myself and was very eager of knowing what will be revealed. I felt like I was in a rollercoaster ride.

I could vividly picture out in my head, sir Oscar Wilde, leaning against the cold hard wall in a prison cell, chained on his both feet and hand, tilting at the only glimpse of hope in which in the book, he called the sky- while wearing those dull and worn-out prison uniform.

I commend his artistry; for being able to turn his dark and worst experience into a one of a kind masterpiece. The tale was true, " Bury an artist 6ft from the ground and they will rise and dig their way up." He really dug his way up from the ground and stood up stronger and wiser.

The part which crept and lingers into my mind like a shadow I
could never get rid off was this:
" for each man kills the things he loved,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword"

Truth be told, we are living in a society where people are afraid. The walls are too high in fear of being hurt, rejected, abused, etc. and vice versa. This might be controversial but I think, we are cowards; cowards pretending to be brave in the battlefield. We should our emotions. Deflected the people who were trying to break the barriers. And by deflecting them, we neglect their efforts, their emotions. We mistake the kindness that they show for something else because we are afraid and again, we are cowards.

Again, this is just a takeaway of a person who was inspired deeply by this and his literary work. The book is like almost 200 pages long but it's worth every second of your time.