Dorian sits in his padded chair and stares at his wall of trophies. At least he didn't have to go talk to either of his parents about this one. Well, at least not yet anyway.
He picks up his phone and looks at yet another message from his friend, Kit. "Another one?" he asks, rhetorically.
"Yes!!!" Kit replies, with an exclamation point.
Dorian replies, "Well, this one looks taller than the last three we saw."
Kit replies, "Let's find out."
The two friends arrive at the last house on the list and Dorian knocks on the door. A particularly hunky model answers the door.
"Hello, I'm Dorian and this is my friend. Do you have interst in beautiful people?"
"I'm Svetlozar. You can come in, but I warn you, the eyes are deceiving."
The handsome model sneaks up behind Dorian and whispers "I warn you, the eyes are deceiving" in his ear.
Dorian turns around and casually salutes the hunky model. "At ease."
The model scowls. "If you two are done flirting, could you tell me why you're here? I'm a bit busy. I have 30 seconds and then I have to get going."
"Yes, excuse me sir. I am Dorian, and this is my friend, Kit. We are with the Alliance of Modeling Agencies, and we are here to offer you a contract with one of the better agencies. If we could just get you to fill this out, we'll leave you to your busy schedule."
The model pulls out a sheet and says, "Go ahead."
"Mr. Svetlozar, we are very interested in you for our agency as one of our top models. What do you say? Will you be our exclusive model on the runway?"
"Petr, that's my name. No. I don't think so. I don't want to be part of anything that could get me arrested." Svetlozar starts to move away toward the door. "I'm sure you'll find someone better."
"We'll give you ten million dollars in gold to sign with us today. Nobody will know. You can be our top model, just for you. Nothing needs to be put in writing, just a verbal agreement. Let's just say a week to look over the contract before deciding. What do you say?"
Svetlozar pauses for a moment, then says, "Yes. I accept. Just please keep this between us. I don't want any trouble. I already had enough of that in my life."
"What am I going to do with all this gold?" Svetlozar asks.
"Well, you can start with a car. Any car you want." Dorian puts his cell phone to his ear. "Kit, what's a good car for Svetlozar?"
The next day, Svetlozar gets up and heads for the door. He steps outside and what does he see? A BMW.
A couple of days later, Dorian is getting ready for the next shoot. Kit walks in. "Hey Kit, where's Svetlozar?"
"Hmmmm. I don't know. He has some meeting or something that I can't see. I'm trying to think."
"Great. You're doing a good job. I'll tell you what. You can have Svetlozar for Saturday. Just make sure he gets there. Oh, and call him and make sure he gets here on time."
Kit walks out of the room and Dorian closes the door. "Wonder what he's up to…I wonder where he'll take a boat…"
Five hours later, Dorian is fed up. The man has yet to show up.
"Kit, where's Svetlozar?"
"Hmmm. I'm not sure. Let me check. Yep, he's here. But I don't see what's taking him so long. Well, everything's ready. It's time to start shooting."
Dorian watches as Kit shouts for everyone to get into position.
A few minutes later, Kit says, "Hold it, everyone. Svetlozar's late. Let's continue shooting tomorrow. He's gonna come. He always comes."
On the next shot, Kit says, "Everyone, wake up. Svetlozar's early."
As the shoot ended, Dorian says to Kit, "So, he's not coming."
"Yeah, he's not coming." Kit replies as he walks out of the room.

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