The procedure is simple, give the person a drink of the elixir. However, It’s always a strange sight when a condemned prisoner prays to God to have mercy on their soul as the doctor is stitching their skin back together.
The elixir is described as feeling as though it is flowing through your veins and as though you are surrounded by angels. Within seconds, the condemned man is offered another drink and their body crumples. Their eyes turn milky white and return to normal vision. After their eyes return to normal, their skin turns a ghostly white and when the skin is pulled, it doesn’t move back to its original position with a tearing sound. You are soon given the option to drink the elixir or you will be ripped apart. I looked around expecting the man to drink the elixir but he screamed and agonizingly begged to not be ripped apart and to be killed now. I could see in his eyes that this man must be innocent of the crimes for which he was convicted. I spoke up and told the guards to end his pain, as I would drink the elixir.
Within seconds, I felt a rush of energy, an electric energy entering my body. I began to hear voices but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. However, it appeared from the color of their eyes where I was kneeling to begin with that they were a type of light green color. As this sensation began to lessen, I tried to look in the condemned man’s face but it appeared distorted, one side was bluer and the other side was darker. I felt like he was somehow becoming immortal, that his soul was being transferred to another life-force. It looked at me, it was the eyes that remained the same and did not change to the ghostly white.
The color of my own eyes began to turn well, like those I had seen before. I heard the voice again and I was able to understand what it was saying. The voice began to say something about the fact that my soul was now fused with the man’s. Then I noticed there were a dozen of the ghostly lights standing around me in the operating room area as the moaning man was being ripped apart. I just stood there in my chair, looking at the lights as my eyes began to change back to normal color.
The lights seemed to have no concern for me or the condemned man as the surgeon removed my body from the chair. I was allowed to hold the condemned man’s soul as the surgeons put him back together, as they put his entrails back in place. I began to try and talk to the soul but I could summon no response. However, I was in great anguish over my new body, remembering the screams and it was coated with dried blood. I couldn’t look down and the surgeon released the ropes holding him to the chair and blood again began to flow to the organs down my legs.
I could feel the warm blood as it ran down my leg as the soul accepted my new body as its own. The guards began to drag me away. I was taken to a cell.