"Open Your Eyes"
"Wake up to life and do not let life wake you up late. Opening the eyes doesn't mean you are in the world because to be in the world means to open your eyes to it. Do not pretend to live with your eyes opened because looking is not seeing."
Original text in Portuguese:
"Acorde para a vida e não deixe que a vida acorde você atrasado. Abrir os olhos não significa que você está no mundo, estar no mundo significa abrir os olhos para ele. Não finja viver de olhos abertos, porque olhar não significa ver."

Image Source
Feeling too thoughtful and silent today. Good morning dear friends! Wish you a happy Sunday and may the light shine inside!
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post!
Good morning and happy Sunday to you too, @manandezo ^_^
Good morning @silviabeneforti! Thank you!
Silêncio e concentração podem trazer clareza para decisões e tranquilidade ao coração.
Você tem razão. Depois do sonho que eu tive essa noite, preciso pensar mesmo! Obrigado @willpekus! =)
There is nothing more beautiful to get up and start reading this beautiful writing, good morning dear friend @ manandezo have a beautiful day
Thank you so much dear @jlufer! A great day to you too! I will always be posting my literary work here and I feel so honored when I can make you smile! =)
We all have our philosophical moments. 😊
You're right! =)
Excellent post! I like your work My friend
Thanks dear @mars9!
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
The image source is on my text citing him. Thanks!