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RE: A Little Contest, For A Big Reason ❤

in #littlecontest7 years ago

I have sent you a little help anyway, wish I could do more.Hi @yiyi.maiola, I hope to write you a post or two, for your competiton to help draw attention to your cause, and I will give you all the liquid earnings from same to help

What is the difficulty to get them back?
How much money do you need to raise?


I just upvoted my own comment, to get it to the top, in the hope of inspiring others to help too.
And so you can see it and answer my questions.

I have no words to express my gratitude. Thank you very much with all my heart!

Because of the situation in Venezuela, there are few airlines that go there, and there are less methods to bring them, and more expensive because there is only the option of air cargo for them. The transfer costs for each dog spend a thousand dollars, I know it is crazy, but I must try it anyway. I do not expect to make all the money by this way, but at this moment I have learned that any help counts even if it is small.

Again, really thank you very much! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

is there a way to maybe talk with some organisations? Here in Europe there are groups of people that could perhaps organise to have someone take them in a car.

I realise it may well be a very long way, but that is a lot of money.
Maybe you could hire a car and do it in a few days.
I don't know enough to know what options you might have.

But there are sure to be options if you think hard about it.

Good luck.