Mother zhong, 65 years old, lives in the countryside in northern anhui province, where the family grows small chives, and the old couple stays at home to pick up their grandchildren, and sells the little chives to the mother. Aunt clock at 3 o 'clock in the morning will ride to the city, because they do not come early better place can be accounted for, the urban management will also drive them at about eight, woman can only early came to the street began to sell small chives. Just like this sitting for a morning, also did not sell how much, let the big niang very anxious.(鐘大娘今年65歲,家住皖北農村,這幾天家裡種的小香蔥收穫了,老伴要留在家里幹農活接送孫子,賣小香蔥的活就交給了鐘大娘。鐘大娘凌晨3點就要騎車趕往城裡,因為不早點來好點的地方就會被別人佔了,城管也會在8點左右驅趕他們,大娘就只能早早的來到街頭開始賣小香蔥。就這樣枯坐了一個早上,也沒有賣出去多少,讓大娘十分著急。)
"My little chives are grown by myself and the old man, a 2 bucks, cheap? This is still not sold! 2 bucks and a bundle are still too expensive to be able to say." Her small business is very helpless, and she feels that people in the city go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and few people buy food on the streets. "I don't want anyone to look like this," and my aunt felt very helpless.(“我的小香蔥都是我和老頭子自己種的,一把2塊錢,便宜?就這還賣不掉呢!2塊錢一捆還有人嫌貴,沒法說啊。”,大娘提起她的小生意就十分的無奈,感覺現在城里人都去超市買蔬菜,很少有在街頭買菜的了。 “我在這白送看樣子都沒人要”,大娘感到十分無奈。)
A young man came to talk about the aunt of Zhong A-niang, and the aunt quickly took the initiative to come up with a handful for the young man to see. This thought that the business had come. I did not expect that it was not what she imagined.(說話間一位小伙子前來看鐘大娘的香蔥,大娘趕緊打起精神拿出一把讓小伙子看,本以為生意來了,沒想到事情並不是她想像的那樣。)
"You are looking old on some greens, and some are rotten." The young man started to pick chives and said all kinds of problems to keep prices down.(“你這蔥看著有些老,還有些爛了”,小伙子開始挑選香蔥,說出各種毛病來壓價。)
"Young boy, I came here at three o'clock in the morning and started to sell. These are all the kind of scallions that my family and I have grown up with. There aren't many of them. After they've sold out, they don't work. They're not in good health. A bundle of 2 dollars. Can not be cheaper, otherwise I and my wife lived in awkward ah?" The aunt is sad and the young man explained.(“小伙子,我凌晨三點就來到這裡開始賣了,這些都是我和老伴自家種的香蔥,沒多少個了,賣完以後就不干了,身體不好了。2塊錢一捆不能再便宜了,要不然我和老伴咋活啊?”大娘無不心酸的和小伙子解釋。)
“I’m sorry!” I thought you were selling it at wholesale. I’m also doing a small business. I sell some pancakes at the door of the school. I know you’re not easy. Well, I’ll buy 10 bundles and give you 50 bucks. Buy breakfast and eat.” The young man heard that the situation of his aunt couldn’t help but love her.(“大娘對不起!我以為您是批發來賣的呢,我也是做小生意的,在學校門口賣點煎餅果子,知道您不容易,這樣吧,我買10捆給您50塊錢,多的您留下買早飯吃。”小伙子聽說大娘的境遇不免心疼起鐘大娘來。)
"I can't get it for you. If you buy it, you'll be crippled." The young man took 50 renminbi and gave it to his aunt. "You don't have to look for me. Give me 10 bunches of onions." Aunt felt a bit misunderstood the young man, and quickly gave him 10 bundles of onions.(“我沒有辦法都給您買完,買多了就爛了。”,小伙子拿出50塊錢遞給大娘,“您不用找我錢了,給我挑10捆蔥。”。大娘感覺也有點誤解小伙子了,趕緊給他拿了10捆蔥。)
The picture shows the aunt took 50 dollars for the young man. “There are still many good people in the community. It is not easy for a young man to be so young.” Aunt was very pleased to meet such a good boy.(圖為大娘接過小伙子的50塊錢,“社會上還是好人多啊,小伙子這麼年輕能有這個心真的不容易。”大娘為能遇到這樣的好孩子感到十分的欣慰。)
"Good boy, I must find you money, and it is not easy for you to make money." Aunt Ng insisted on handing the 30 dollars he had found to the young man.(“好孩子,錢我必須要找給你,你掙錢也不容易。”鐘大娘堅持把找的30塊錢遞給了小伙子。)
Aunt gave him the green on the side, and he pulled up with him. “Who didn't say that, I sold the pancake fruit on the street and I was driven by the city management. Now I don’t have other skills like me, I can only do a little shopping.” It's not easy at all, and it costs about a hundred dollars a day.” The young man said that his business was also tearful.(大娘一邊給小伙子裝蔥,一邊和他拉起了家常,“誰不說呢,我在街上賣煎餅果子也是被城管趕來趕去,現在像我這樣沒有其它手藝,只能做點小買賣的確實不容易,一天也就掙個一百塊錢左右。”小伙子說起自己的生意也是話中帶淚。)
"I'm leaving, aunt you buy something for breakfast, if your onion is not sold out tomorrow, I will buy again." The picture shows the young man put the green onion to the electric car to go home. Please click to pay attention: Black soil image.(“我走了,大娘您買點早飯吃,明天要是您的蔥沒有賣完我再來買點。”圖為小伙子把蔥放到電動車上準備回家了。歡迎點擊關注:黑土影像。)
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