Hi there, how are you doing today hope you good, I am new here, though being new does not mean a thing but what you learn or what you achieve is what matters, yeah it is because in this age we are in most people feel like i can do whatever i want or do whatever they feel is ok for them not minding the environ or in other words not minding the public or his or her neighbor, really it's good i am not against it but sometimes we have to at least listen to advice on how to react to something, so i will be giving you tips or let me say words of encouragement ,an opinions on this space on how to deal with your neighbor, yourself even your spouse and your children your community where you work, your families, when visiting places. I always love giving advice, encouragement when down or if you are facing challenges you can count on me for that i will reach out to you be there because life itself is mystery and is full of greatness also but you will be the one to take charge yeah because it is also unpredictable really unpredictable but if you really believe in yourself and be good to others deal with them in the manner which you want them to deal with you then living will be a great blessing to you even to those who love you, they will not by any means necessary bring harm to you even if they see harm coming your way,they will make sure the harm does not come near you because to them you are their joy giver it will be so sad for them to see you sad. So why not follow me for more on how you can be a great help to yourself, spouse, family, kids, friends, co-worker, neighbor even in your society be that one particular person that every time they see you happiness is what they see.