I like to play the harp, guitar, Jew, I have the time and desire, I sit down to draw, but it happens very rarely.
rassist anti-simetic :D
seems like the translator did a bad job for you there :D
I can see somebody recommended golos for you :)
I would offer you the learning to speak russian posts from
You can go the reverse way if you wish and use the tips and tricks there and learn english.
I've gotten to a ok level of russian just from listening and trying my best to figure out what is said by the context.
Cant speak or write, but I can understand 50+% and it's the same way I learned English , just interacted in the language and the skills formed themselves.
I hope you are on golos since you haven't posted any news :)
Good luck mate , thanks for telling people that not all of Europe are bad and evil communists , have to say as it's going now the EU are the bigger communists :D