My first tattoo (full story)

in #live8 years ago

Hello my dear Steeminians.

In this post I would like to tell you a bit about how it was the experience of making me my first tattoo.

It all started one day in which, like many, I was going to the gym. At the same time, a friend told me that a new tattoo shop had been opened upstairs. I told him that I had thought to become one, I said to take a look to see that such.

When I entered the new store. I get that one of the tattoo artists was a friend that I knew from many years ago.

So without thinking twice I told him to fix the machine, the ink and the gloves to make me tattoo.

I wonder what he was planning to do to me and I told him to make a sentence in my back.

The phrase I tattooed was "carpe diem".

I had already investigated the phrase and is curious because when I investigated I said: "The day I least expect it I will tattoo it."

Indeed, it was.

The phrase carpe diem, comes from Latin and means: "Enjoy the moment" or "take advantage of the day".

The original phrase was coined by the Roman poet Horace. Which is the following "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero"

When it comes to "enjoy the moment, do not trust tomorrow". What it means is that you enjoy each day as if it were the last. For the future is uncertain and you do not know if tomorrow you will die.

This phrase to my I remain in the mind after to have investigated and arrived that day in which I decided to tattoo.

Like many I was nervous. Because I did not know the intensity of pain I was going to feel.

First made his drawing, we began to talk about what design I would like more. Until we decide on one. He drew them, I liked them and we started.

It was then that I heard that peculiar sound of the machines when they light and said: "there is no turning back."

Began to tattoo. The first time did not hurt so much. Well as he explained, it did not hurt because he was doing the primary lines. If I felt a little pain but it was bearable

Then began with the filling (The inside of the letters). That was the moment that hurt me the most and he explained that it hurt because he had to pass the needles several times through the same place and the skin was irritated. It was so the ink will look good on the entire tattoo.

After about two hours. Culminated everything. It irritated me a lot and it hurt every time the needles passed. But it all hurt in the middle of my back (I still do not know why).

It was then that I told my friend that I would take a photo to see how I had stayed.

This was the photo I took:

Here I show a photo to the months, when already the tattoo was cured

And this was a day at the beach.

I like my tattoo and I feel very comfortable with it.

Tattoos today are a way of expressing to society about what we think.

The truth is I intend to make myself another. But this time I want to tattoo my full right leg. Let's see when that day will be. I only know that I will do it the day I least think it.

Greetings. I hope you like my post. With love @jorlenbolivar