Monsanto has finally been held accountable for causing cancer with their herbicide known as roundup! Tensions continue to rise between Canada and the Saudi's as an argument over human rights played out over twitter. Meanwhile Alex Jones has been memory holed from the internet 1984 style and now everyone is asking the question, who's next?
In this live broadcast
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth takes your questions on these matters and any other topic you care to ask about.
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This is obviously hate speech
time to flag this!
upvote then lmao :D
Dan what bitcoin wallet do you recommend?
Thanks for replying Dan.
Nice work in Portland! Any new travel plans?
This is great news! Thanks for all you do Dan! 🙏
dlive.io is getting better!
infowars is streamed on dlive!
https://dlive.io/@xsmith - Montag -Freitag 12:00 - 4:00 EST
https://dlive.io/@radiofr33amerika - ???
they are both streaming infowars (from their private accounts)
Keep bring us some real news, you are needed more than A. Jones. Screw Youtube, YES!!!!!
DTube is working better lately.
It's still non-permanent, though. After a few weeks you can't watch your "old" videos anymore. So it won't be censored, but it'll disappear.
FaceBook has now censored all searches for "cannabis" or "marijuana" in groups, pages, and events.