What We Did Today

Another busy day starting at 6AM. I got out there and started cleaning up the Small garden. It hasn’t been done since we planted in April. The tree limb removal meant there were a LOT of catalpa pods to get out. And a small amount of fence repair needed to be done.

Small garden - peas up crop May 2018.jpg

I also did a fast weeding of the peas and carrots, plus thinned the carrots and reseeded the ⅓ - ½ that had not come up.

Small garden - celery replanted crop May 2018.jpg

I had a crop failure of celery and had to buy in organic plants. I got those into the Small garden this morning. Then I finished cleaning out the pods and what few weeds there were on the un-tended side of the garden. It is where squash will be, so I won’t be working it until the end of the month.

Butter churn crop Feb. 2016.jpg

My helper friend arrived at 8AM and I set him to moving mulch in the big garden. I had to call for the milk club order. Today we pick up our first 2 gallons of cream for butter making tomorrow. The cows went out on pasture full time the early part of this week.

Cedar stakes crop May 2018.jpg

I had my husband cut me some cedar stakes. There’s a fencing company nearby and when they take down cedar stockade fencing, they will give away the panels. Each year we get 1 or 2 and he cuts them into plant stakes at 18”, 24” and 30”. These are 24”.

Big garden - brassicas planted and mulched crop May 2018.jpg

Then I joined my friend and we did the planting thing for 32 broccoli plants, 3 cauliflowers and 4 cabbages. We got them mulched and the mess cleaned up before he had to leave at 1PM.

East lilacs1 crop May 2018.jpg

My helper friend who comes to do the windows with me is taking me to Lilacland this afternoon, https://www.facebook.com/LILACLAND/

This is a private collection of rare varieties of lilacs. It’s a couple acres in size and the smell is just heavenly!

Then I come home, eat supper and off to bed early!


I intend to plant a garden this year. I only have 5 foot by 7 foot plot I got from the previous home owner. Still, its a good starting spot. No getting up at 6am for me though. Good luck :)

Love those busy days. I've been sick but still got my butt out to day and started a new bed. I am going to be doing a post on my new found method, which is going to be the first part of my new 1/2 acre garden.

You got a lot done! It's good to have helpers, isn't it? The gardens are looking amazing.