Orchids are of the most exotic and interesting flowers, cultivated to beautify homes and garden, with rare characteristics. Only two are mentioned here.
Flowers are the natural ornament in the vast landscape of the earth. Thousands of different species, multiple colored giving a sense of beauty and joy to all. Some of the most exotic flowers rare and unbelievably different have captivated the world.!
Flying Duck Orchid.jpg
The Flying duck Orchid from Australia, is one of the most beautiful Orchids, and only found in Australia. It produces distinctive duck like blooms, in red purple and green. The blooms are only half an inch to three quarters of an inch in size.
Pollination takes place due to the plant having evolved to attract male sawflies, by tricking the sawfly into thinking the blooms are female sawflies. The insect is trapped in the beak of the flower, and it passes through the pollen, and exists through the trap.
Propagation has not succeeded outside Australia, as the plants do not survive outside its natural habitat, as they are dependent on a particular fungus in the area, that keeps the plants healthy. The Flying duck orchid is an endangered species.
![Bee orchid.jpg]
The Bee orchid
Found throughout the UK, in grasslands, the Bee orchid gets its name from its main pollinator, the Bee.
the plant produces bee like flowers, to draw the male bees naturally to them...who flies into the flower, with the intention of mating. The bee passes through the pollen, and so ensures the continuation of the plant.
It has small blooms, with a rosette of leaves that grow up the stem, and the stem has relatively large flowers, with pink sepas, resembling wings, and furry brown lips with yellow marking like a bee.
With bees becoming extinct the survival of the Bee orchid might become endangered.
Cool post! I like the Orchids!
Thank you I also do, they are soothing and so interesting! Yours is so lovely.