Thomas Jefferson - "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
I lived in Franklin Township, NJ, 1997-2014, while raising my children. Along the way I began so see signs appearing on the dozens of small farms in the township that read, "Preserved Farmland". Looking into it a bit I learned the township worked out a deal to pay the farmers millions of dollars immediately to transfer ownership of their farms to the township with the agreement the farmers, and their children, could work the farms until the children died/left before they had to vacate the land.
Sounds good, I thought. This land will be farmed until such time as its turned into perennial open space leaving Franklin Township a quiet, beautiful place to live forever. Nice, right?
I've since come to learn that not only is the United States of America now a corporation as well as the (de facto) government but all the states have been incorporated, too. And all the counties in the country. And every board of education, parking authority, police department, water authority, etc., in the land. A total of 185,000 government entities are corporations that are owned in a pyramid fashion - branches to districts to regions, etc. The owners are the Lizard People (international bankers, etc.). Nevada, for example, is 85% owned by the federal government alone.
Most of us are aware most pensions in this country are vastly underfunded in terms of being able to pay the benefits promised to employees. The laws have been quietly changed such that if corporations go bankrupt the employees have little or no claim on pension assets.
The Lizard People, as owners of the 185,000 corporations, don't look at the pensions as underfunded since they don't intend to pay them anyway (once they are bankrupted). They view them as financial assets that, in total, comprise major percentage ownership in most Fortune 500 corporations via stocks and bonds (and township farmland, etc.) They intend to ultimately escape with ownership of these assets.
The Lizard People own in a similar way most of the western world and are working on owning the rest of the world.
If we allow them to continue to manipulate us into fighting each other (rather than, say, come together to stop them) our children will wake up homeless on the continent our (fore) Fathers conquered.