This gaming headset from Logitech delivers impressive audio quality, using the Pro-G audio drivers to provide the audiophile performance that gamers everywhere have been waiting for so long now they can get better gameplay. Whether you're listening to an epic game or just your favourite music, this headset delivers clean and accurate sound. It has surround sound and beautiful punchy, deep bass that improves the gaming the experience every time you put it on.
My favourite feature of this headset about this fantastic headset is the wireless connection it just gives it that clean and robust look plus there is no worry about cables tangling and stuff like that which is great for a pure and simple setup
Overall this is a great and clean headset for all you gamers or just people who need an excellent headset for there device.
Here is a video of the Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum
Click this link to check out the product:
Thanks for reading and make sure to upvote and comment if you have any questions catch you in the next post
Does this work with consoles wirelessly via the usb dongle?
yes it dose thanks for your comment