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RE: ART CONTEST: Logo For Our Anniversary Shirts (A Patient Support Group Fundraiser)

in #logo7 years ago (edited)

This sounds like fun. Kudos to you all for your courage and energy. You deserve the best. I am not an artist, but maybe my daughter and i can play with some designs. She is one of the artists in the family. Who knows, maybe we can come up with some fun concepts.


I would appreciate it. By the way, send as many designs as you want. Put the link to your posts here in the comments.

Ok. Got it. i had misunderstood the task. I thought we would show the designs in the comments (not on individual posts). My daughter and i came up with an idea that combines your statement about you guys being warriors. We pushed the idea to a cartoonish representation of super heroes with some Philippine elements or symbols. Hopefully they'll be politically correct. We are doing it with all our love.

Awww. I'm excited to see them. Thank you! All the best!

Hi, @mermaidvampire. Here you are,

Our entry to the ART CONTEST: Logo For Our Anniversary Shirts.

All the credit to my daughter, Manuela Valentina, who was able to materialize the idea I pitched to her, based on what i mentioned in the previous comment.
First rough draft
All elements incorporated. Kidneys turned into super heroes. Ureters turned into palm trees.
First layer of color applied
Highlighting letters
Artist satisfied with preliminary result
Some minor touches
Our best wishes to you, warriors!
Love from Cumaná, Venezuela

We love those kidney heroes!!! Thank you sooo much!

Happy to oblige!

Super cute <3