My first reaction for new logo was: "ok, logo is not bad, but color is...well, I will need to get used to it..."
and then, I found "Toogle Night Mode" button, and I fell in love in it! (♥‿♥)
Great job!
So, having new logo of Steemit, could you finally set an avatar to @steemitblog? :D :)
Yeah. I always get queasy with green-on-white. Two colors that don't mix so well.
Not having beta is the bigger news if true.
How do you like the new logo?
@stellebelle made this via Giphy.
i like it so much. nice gif
Thanks to the
Nope, the beta is still there on the website ;)
I was wondering why beta would be removed without a big annou
what exactly is it !? Does anybody know !?
I think it is collection of two thoughtboxes, one empty and one filled. Is is an S in shape which stands for Steemit and the thought symbols stand for
Hum mm !? Sounds good !! I like it indeed , and the best explanation I have heard yet ! Thanks a bunch !!👍👍👍💚💚💚
That's your choice.
There's also
My reaction was the opposite. I like the color, but not so engaged by the logo.
Hell yeah, night mode is hot
Same here. The night mode got me.
yes please!!!!!
I was thinking the same, maybe they are too busy to change it. 😅
It's Halloween, it's a ghost!
Awesome and lovely logo
your profile pic is great , cute new style ! haha
well explained about new logo.
why devote my this comment.
Great job votup me please friends