with this kind of mentality, HIVE will never be a network for the masses... only a niche place for long form content creators / bloggers. I personally think it’s time to welcome the short form content. The micro-blogs. The one picture Instagram-style posts. The memes. The shit posts. That’s the way HIVE needs to go if we want to bring in the masses. Not everyone is a full blown blogger.
That's a stupid, disingenious argument and you know it. Shape up, man!
No one is trying to keep anyone from posting. The only disagreement concerns rewards. A couple of bucks would be appropriate for a short-form post like this.
But hey... go ahead and give downvotes to new people that come here from their traditional social networks hoping for a cool experience, you can do what you want, but it’s definitely not helping to grow the HIVE.
Like there's enough money to go around for shoveling $20 at every Instagram-style single-photo post with a couple of lines of text.
"That's a stupid, disingenious argument and you know it. Shape up, man!"