I have been driving buses for about 6 years now in London, England and if it weren’t for the passengers I would enjoy my job. Not content with a bus every 10 minutes they want to be dropped off right outside their homes in the middle of a busy main road. Ringing that bell once or twice is just not enough for them either.
With all the illegally parked cars and inconsiderate, selfish car drivers who don’t let you out from a bus stop you would think that everyone is trying to deliberately make your job more difficult than it needs to be. Perhaps it is just me letting things get to me, If I could I would have a lie down but after driving for an hour and half there’s not even time to stretch your legs before turning back and driving back the other way.
According to a study I read bus drivers have one of the highest mortality rate s and those who do shift work which is most drivers are twice as likely to develop heart disease than those working normal hours. That would explain why bus drivers tend to drop down dead soon after they retire.
Dealing with people can be stressful.
People think are job is easy and it is to a certain extent i.e. if the bus was empty and there were no other cars on the road. People moan that most bus drivers are mean and look miserable, but I can speak from personal experience that most of us don’t start out like that, after years of abuse and people spitting at you it gets to you after a while.
During peak hours it’s like black Friday people pushing and shoving just to go 1 or 2 stops and that’s if those lazy passengers can be bothered to stick their hand out. Usually they are too busy playing with their phones to keep an eye out for the bus. I’ve had people say hello and be polite when they board but when you tell them that you must wait 2-3 minutes to regulate the service they start swearing and become overly aggressive. Even they can’t move down the bus to let more people on no matter how many times they are asked.
There’s a reason why those old sayings have been around for a while because there must be some truth to them like ‘there’s nowt so queer as folk’
The money isn’t great but it’s a lot better than what it was. so I’ve concluded that not all, but most people are rude, selfish and just thick I’m afraid to say. What are your thoughts?
This is my first post ever, so please forgive me for any mistakes. Just thought id share a post about being a London bus driver. Thanks and look forward to reading your comments.
I lived in London for few months when I was a student, 20 years ago 😱! Then I used to visit you every year at least once or twice, I just felt in love with your city!
I haven’t been back for years now - I can’t wait to come back for a re-descovery of the city!
When I do, I promise I will smile and say good morning to every driver I find! 😉Hi @chickenburger! Thanks for this post! I’ve always thought that being a bus, taxi or metro driver were difficult jobs. As you say, traffic and people can be very stressful, but in case of metro drivers, even there is no traffic, spending 8 hours everyday underground in the darkness must also be quite awful.
The job itself is not difficult but I guess dealing with people in any job can be stressful! Its very busy especially in the city but if you don't mind crowds then its okay, me , I think I'm going to move to the countryside, lol.
Thanks for your comment and hope you enjoy your returning visit.
Who this bus driver? Awesome bus.
This comment has received a 0.13 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @steemhack.
unfortunately they are not all new and shiny like this one you see in the picture!
Thanks for sharing.
And somehow it´s sad, that a busdriver has to remind us, how stupid people act in public.
Good post, thank you!
yes its very sad but its the truth I'm afraid. Something we have to deal with everyday as I'm sure anyone else does who works with members of the public. There is still hope though as I do get some nice, respectful passengers.
Thanks for reading.
Great post @chickenburger! I can relate in a way as I’m one of your worst enemies on the road a van driver in London. I personally think that busses in London are like the veins of the city, therefore I don’t hate :) I admire your job as you really have to be mentally strong in order to cope with all these crazy people out there and then you also have a duty not to let anyone without a valid ticket onboard and I’ve seen a lot of wild arguments between bus drivers and passengers unwilling to pay for their journey. I believe most people out there are ok, however it is that minority of morons that make it difficult for the rest of us. Stay strong my friend!
I don't usually worry about people who don't have a valid ticket I'm not getting into an argument over £1.50 , some bus drivers take there job too seriously!
Thanks for reading nice to hear from a fellow Londoner.
You have moved down the list now behind Taxi drivers/mini cabs lol
I feel your first post is very good @guslim
thank you
Your post is very useful bus driver
Thank you for always being with us.
no problemo
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