#Promo-Steem +45 Steemians at The London Cryptocurrency Show
+45 Steemians and we are still counting..!!
I am pleased to say that Saturday saw no fewer than 45 Steemians at the London Cryptocurrency Show.
Please let us know below in the comments if you attended and your name is not on the list.
45 and still counting..!!
Alphabetical List
Massive #Steemit Shout Out
Once again a Massive #Steemit Shout Out to all those that came on Saturday and rocked the Show.
A few photos of us setting up the Exhibitor's Stand
One of the most popular Exhibitor's Stands at the Show
I am proud to say that without doubt we had one of the most popular Exhibitor's Stands at the Show.
If I have missed your name off the list, please accept my sincere apologises and if you could let me know in the comments below, I will add you to the list.
Looking forward to doing it all again, very soon..!!
I really appreciate the chance to promote steem in physical form and am wondering how many more opportunities will come up in Britain or nearby.. Does promo-steem have plans for any more?
Btw, @stephenkendal, I am campaigning for witness votes and noticed that you are voting for three witness that are dead.. I would really appreciate if you would switch one out for me (ura-soul). The dead ones you are voting for are:
@roadscape @steempty @witness.svk
All of them have been invactive for an extended period.. More info on this is visible in the witness performance table here.
No problem. Happy to do this. Just out of the office at the moment. Will sort it out later today. Stephen
OK, great - thanks a lot :)
That is all sorted now. Good luck and thanks again for supporting The London Cryptocurrency Show. Stephen
You are welcome, thankyou - much appreciated. :)
@lloyddavis was there briefly too before he dashed off on holiday. This must be the biggest gathering outside a Steemfest.
Hope you had a good rest and the salad has gone to rest for a while? HahaThis is really good sir. Imagine the impact those 45 would make out there. It's good news. Well done sir. I am sure you all had fun, as evident from the updates of @anarcotech @allasyummyfood and yours sir.
This is beautiful and very remarkable result, next will be greater and i am hoping i will make it. Congratulations to those who made it, i am very sure that with the information received this community will never remain same.
How about a Steemit Conference in Lagos Nigeria where most of our leaders here can come educate us. Just thinking out loud.
Keep promoting Steemit
Ha, ha, ha. @stephenkendal. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I was tagged in a post relating to the London Cryptocurrency Show. Spam posts included. 😂 I can't believe how many of those there are!!! 😱
45 and rising. That's brill! 😊
Wonderful pics @stephenkendal ...
wow. 3 more added in your list who participated in Londoncryptoshow amazing. You did a great job. Hopefully the next show in October will be attended by 100 plus amazing steemians. @stephenkendal your and your team efforts are laudable. Great work first by making an amazing decor and then transform this event into success. All the best for October event. keep it up @stephenkendal
My dear friend @stephenkendal 😃 , It's a great job, as an Arab I was hoping to attend, but that's fine, I wish you good luck in the new business, and I hope to do this again many times in the near future , all the best for you 👍👍😉
Amazing opportunity again in October again, i am not working or being a part of any projects but i know many steemians are so what i am going to do is resteem this post and those who follows me can get to know about this, it’s a great once in a lifetime opportunity, you are making steemit bigger and bigger everyday with new ideas and plans it’s astonishing to see how hard you are working for this platform and it’s people wnd bringing opportunity after opportunity like waves which never stops coming. Really excited to hear further about it. Thanks for sharing and all you are doing , if we are a family then you are our guardian, keep up the hardwork.
Amazing @stephenkendal how a great vision make things grow in this way. Congratulations for the initiative and really glad things are turning so great for the #promo-steem project, that will continue collaborating on the growth of steemit and the steem blockchain hugely!
I was wondering what @ned thinks about all this! He has not yet mentioned anything about the London Crypto Show and how #promo-steem gathered to get all the people together with amazing projects of the steem blockchain.
Hope to hear something from him.
Glad to see that 45 amazing steemians attended the London crypto show. Congratulation to you and your promo-steem to provide such a nice opportunity for such a nice gathering. Hopefully collective efforts of 45 talented steemians did wonder for this community. Yes steem needs this type of show to attract more investors. All the best. keep it up @stephenkendal
Incredible London Cryptocurrency Show event. Approximately 42 Steemians were present at the event.
Success for your @stephenkendal hopefully in the future will take place more lively again
Thanks sir @stephenkendal for announcing the name of the attend steemians. Really they are lucky as they joined the london cryptocurrency show. Always remembarable their name.
very nice place and how to promo-steem @stephenkendal
Congratulations and may it be even bigger next time
Nice post @stephenkendal
Wowww that's great .Looks like more steemians are attending the london crypto show .45 is a huge number
outstanding post your friends @stephenkendan.
a very great post ... thanks for sharing ... you are very extraordinary @stephenkendal
Great teams. And great jobs
Damn, it's so nice to see so many Steemians in one place. Really shows that there's a community here.
This news its wow for every steem user. Thanks sir.
Always Successfull for you Mr. Kendal, I look forward to hearing from you new surprises event for the development and promotes of steem. have a nice day mr. Kenda
Wow. Beautiful pictures. Shout out to all steemians that made it to the show. Thanks for representing us well. Kudos to @promo-steem team
continues to promote steemit around the worldgood job @stephenkendal
I can not come because it is constrained by money, but I still support #londoncryptocurrencyshow with all my heart, may #promo-steem succeed.
Congrats all of you "45 Steemians that attended The London Cryptocurrency Show" And best of luck
We are looking for october events...,. :)
Great team and looking cool all of them...
facebook users switch to steemit "Mark Zuckerberg panicked seeing facebook users day by day diminishing"

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born in White Plains, New York, May 14, 1984,) is a computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is known for creating social networking site Facebook.
but lately he felt saturated because facebook users day by day diminished.hihihihiiiiiii ...
he feels panicked because many facebook users are turning to Steemit.
the anxiety that he attempted to make an offer to the users faceebok active, which deals entered into any Facebook user through the messenger, the following message comes in everyone messenger "Hi, I'm Mark, manager Facebook. Hello everyone, it seems like all the warnings are real . Using Facebook will require a fee. If you send this series to 18 differ from your list, your icon will turn blue and will be free for you. If you do not believe me, tomorrow at 6 pm Facebook will close and open it you have to pay. All this by law. This message is to inform all our users that our servers are very busy recently. We are asking for your help to resolve this issue. We ask an active user to forward this message to everyone on your contact list to confirm an active Facebook user. If you do not send this message to all of your contacts on Facebook, your account will remain inactive for losing all your contacts without sending this message. Your smartphone will be updated within the next 24 hours, and will have new designs and new colors for chats. Dear Facebook user, we will update to Facebook starting at 23:00. Until 5 am on this day. If you did not send this to all your contacts, the update will be canceled. You will not have the possibility to chat with your Facebook messages. You have to pay the price unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts, send this SMS and the logo will turn red to indicate that you are the user you confirmed ... we ended it for free. Tomorrow they start collecting Facebook messages by 0.37 cents. Forward this message to more than 9 contacts, and you will be free for the rest of your life. Watch and the ball turn green. Do it and you will see Facebook now for free. Send to 10 people to reactivate your service at no cost.
I like this post Mr. @stephenkendal
I appreciate your positive activities in promoting Steemit in the city of London
Good job 👍
Thanks for sharing
I like my post good job @stephenkendal
i am support lodoncryptocurrency show

good luck for you....will you success
This is something to the next level😍😍sir all gems of this community were out there 😍😍 i wish i could be out there to meet such people with my own eyes :(
This is beautiful and very remarkable result, next will be greater and i am hoping i will make it. Congratulations to those who made it, i am very sure that with the information received this community will never remain same.
How about a Steemit Conference in Lagos Nigeria where most of our leaders here can come educate us. Just thinking out loud.
Keep promoting Steemit
Good job, I never made it to the event but I see it was a great turn out 😀