Robert Kiyosaki was interviewed on the LondonReal YT channel which demonetized few days later due to the discussion with David Icke.
Robert the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad discussed how worthless fiat currency is & that we are in a metamorphosis stage.
If you are struggling financially think of yourself as a Caterpillar, this situation (Covid-19) is the cocoon stage, this could be the most beautiful time to you, if you come out as a butterfly!
I’ve been trying to reach out to London real time get them to try out 3speak I love their stuff and wish it didn’t get taken down by YOuTube
Hey thanks for the response I myself think it's a great idea and the community should rally behind your efforts count me in!
Love your content, especially that you a fellow South African. You got to help me figure out actifit will any sports band work ? like the Xiaomi MiBand4?
If you have Twitter try and @them and let them know I’ve also mailed their website directly lol maybe you can help too! The more people shouting the better
Ah no unfortunately actifit only has Fitbit integration as far as I know, you’ll have to reach out to the team In their discord I did ask about the Hauwei watches because my friend has one and I wanted to get him on the app and they said they working on it
So beautiful
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I like that message!