My relationship With An American Girl

in #long8 years ago (edited)

So I made a post before when me and Melissa decided it be nice to write about our relationship. She thinks I forgotten but I might show her these posts one day. So from when I last talked about this. What I have learned is to do compare how things have changed from when we first met. How was our relationship before we decided to date and then when we started and then now? Well, not much changed before and when we started because we were always kinda flirty, it just got more intense.

Mentioning generally now, if you want to see how a relationship is going, I like to compare it 6 months down the line. Are things still spicy and harmonious? Often in the past this was not the case or at least either one or the other depending. With Melissa, 4 months in and things are pretty good. I realise we have a long way to go but we are quite strong but I wanna talk about the differences and changes I noticed since we first met:

First I feel more comfortable around her, like I don't have to worry that I said something wrong or that things will suddenly change. Like most of the time when you make friends or develop a love interest over the Internet there is always that chance that you will suddenly never hear from them again. I have this with friends now and again and am actually guilty of it myself, unfortunately. My relationship with Melissa, I feel safe and secure and it is something that I haven't had before. There is little drama and what drama there is has always been solvable. So this is a change in the relationship in myself but it's a direct symptom of things going well, I believe.

I think when you first meet someone new you go with the flow and so accept how a person behaves even when it's odd. One odd behaviour I always have is I suddenly stop texting. I always felt that texting is convenient and can be done as you feel like it. I will text to keep up conversations though. So I can understand that Melissa gets frustrated when I don't reply to a question for 2 hours. Just in recent weeks she has pointed this out. We never discussed it so I'm not even sure if she was aware of my habit but again, no to little drama and we just talked about it. One thing I love about her is even when she's mad she doesn't make me feel bad.

So Melissa has picked a new nickname or pet name for me. I never understand why girls can't call me something spectacular. I used to be called Mr Bean when I was younger and lately Michael Cera it has been. I guess this is because of my big Jewish nose. She says she loves Cera so I guess that's part of the reason she is attracted to me. Heaven forbid should I compare her to a celebrity. So my new nickname from her is Bean. I've been called Nut before but it's nice to know I've been promoted to a much softer and colourful seed. She doesn't seem to care what I call her, even if it is Chip.

And I think my new nickname ties in with the theme of our relationship of us being more at ease with each other and more making fun. I am aware there is a difference with secretly using jokes to say horrible things but it isn't those kind of jokes. Melissa has always said "Just kidding" to things but that's just is just a cover up to what she's really thinking and it's not as much now.

One thing I do miss is just the random chats, which when we first chatted happened randomly like when I was out walking. Also I think our naughty side may have gone down a bit but I have to see what happens from here. But I am happy with the way things are going.

We're gonna set a date when to meet and she is just checking her calendar. She's been putting it off for the time being but I am not worried at this moment. She says she will do it and I believe her. I'll have an update in the next post.