Bajai Body Camp 10.0: Day 268
Thursday March 1, 2018
Another Birthday 8.1
Coral Gables, Florida
1.467% stepping up to the plate.
Easy early wake-up this morning to birthday wishes and eased back on the blog work today. Running errands with Stazja. Good walking opportunity.
Another year around the Sun
Hips and gluteus minimus aches from the mule kicks et al. No knee pain from the walking.
So far veggie today. Probably will stay veggie unless I go for a cobb salad.
Out to Yard House for birthday dinner. Cobb salad and left hand stout. Had salmon with the salad, but bacon came along for the ride, so no veggie cred today. No biggie.
Birthday full moon. Very close to the conditions of my original birth.
Eased into the nod before midnight.
great post