If you didn't get a chance to read my article yesterday - check it out. It's a brief explanation on how to upgrade your life. I'm putting out an brief write up as I try this internal experiment of upgrading my life in 2020. Your welcome to get in on it or follow along - #longgame - this is an tool of accountability for myself.
Everyday make a conscious choice to shift some behavior to engage the process of learning/discovery/development for yourself.
I came back to work yesterday after 3 weeks off and committed to live distraction free at my desk. Consequently, between activities, i found myself drifting to boredom on my computer. Instead of cruising the browser of the worldwide web or mindlessly dominating FreeCell - I did some pushups, took a walk, encouraged some of my co-workers...there were minimal fireworks...it was surprisingly difficult...
Here we go for day #2.
Don't forget to dominate life today. Your in control of your own life and choice. It's internal