The Long-Game --> A game where the process is more important than the end result. Where building your masterpiece is the most enjoyable thing to do. My posts in this Long-Game series will be investigating the Steem blockchain and all the latest happenings on it! The future is bright.
They are all referring to the long-game of the Steem blockchain and anything that remotely relates to that.
In these posts, these topics and more will frequently be touched upon:
1. dapp developments
2. interface features
3. ideas for the future
4. content creators on Steem
5. entrepreneurs on Steem
6. and anything else!
Essentially, everything is up for grabs in these posts. They’re about the future of our favorite blockchain: the Steem blockchain.
We want what we want.
But sometimes we need to curve our desires.
We need to realize that certain things are important while others aren't.
If you focus on the right game, then you can make amazing progress in your life!