Crypto has seen this bear trend for so long now. Is it really a bear trend or are we in full on hibernation?
When I was talking to people about crypto exactly 1 year ago, the conversation was so much different than it is today.
Today people think that crypto is dying.
When I talk to them, they literally ask me if Bitcoin is still alive and they ask when I think it's going to disappear. As if it's a forgone conclusion that crypto is just already dead and waiting to fully die off.
I find this ridiculous. Crypto is still very much alive. I'd even argue that it's more alive today than 1 year ago.
1 year ago everyone was just fuming on hype and FOMO. There was a lot of dumb money being poured into the crypto ecosystem and quite honestly, it wouldn't do anyone any favors.
The good things that have come out of all that is that we now realize that crypto needs to be a whole lot more than just a place to get rich.
It needs to be more than just a place to load up on "stocks" and wait for them to rise in price because other people buy in.
People tend to doubt these new technologies when they don't understand them. They tend to think that these technologies are just here for a little while only to fade away into nothing soon enough.
To me, it's something entirely different. It's a whole new world when you look at it from the inside perspective.
That's something that I think the Steem blockchain does differently than any other blockchain out there.
It gives us perspective.
It allows us to see what others cannot. To feel the blockchain and the community in a way that other crypto enthusiasts cannot.
I feel like it is just a matter of time until the rest of crypto land recognizes Steem and the apps built on this blockchain as being as powerful as they truly are.
There is no better place to position yourself. Whether you're a user, a developer or any sort of entrepreneur. There is boundless opportunity on the Steem blockchain to build a life of your dreams.
You're only as limited as your imagination and your will to take daily action on your dreams
If history of BTC cycles, we gonna see next Bull Run at the end of 2020.. @triptolemus