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RE: lonliness

in #lonliness7 years ago

I don't think your main problem is loneliness. That's a symptom of your real problem which is that you are feeling disconnected from others. Those people you see who are all living wonderful fun filled lives aren't. They have their own huge problems. People who are suicidal and depressed can walk around with a smile all day long. It's an act on their part. Believe me you aren't disconnected you're just dealing with your problems in the wrong way for you. There are a million people exactly like you and feeling lonely. So don't try to heal your own loneliness. Heal theirs and before you know it you have made friends. Not only the person you have helped but others will see that you are a decent honorable human being. Don't despair, instead be upbeat. Nobody likes being with anyone who is miserable all the time. Most importantly learn to laugh especially at yourself.