Lord of the Rings

in #lordoftherings2 years ago


Although he possessed no magical powers, Gollum’s long ownership of the One Ring, obtained by murdering his friend Deagol, turned Gollum (first called Smeagol) into a wretched creature with black skin, long hands with clawlike nails, and large, pale
eyes. He had lived in the dark caves of the Misty Mountains so long that while he had very poor vision, his hearing was acute. He hated and feared all things Elven. His only joy was the Ring, which he called his Precious, but died in Mount Doom when he carelessly stepped off a ledge after stealing the Ring from Frodo.
Saruman: The greatest of the Istari, Saruman was head of the White Council. His name comes from the Old English searu, meaning “treachery” or “cunning”;
he was called Curunir in Elvish. He had tremendous knowledge of Elven lore and the ways of Sauron. Saruman’s original friendship with Rohan deteriorated as he began to use the palantír of Isengard to com- municate with Sauron and seek the One Ring. He cast a spell on King Théoden of Rohan to make him grow old and sick, but Gandalf returned Théoden to health. His pride grew along with his treachery until an attack by the Ents destroyed Isengard and all his plans. Homeless, Saruman and his toady Grima Wormtongue took over the Shire toward the end of the War of the Ring, where he was murdered by Wormtongue.
Sauron: Greatest evil sorcerer and shape-changer
of the First through Third Ages. His name means “dung” or “filth” in Old Norse or Icelandic, and it means “abominable” in Quenya, Tolkien’s High Elven language, and Gorthaur the Cruel in Sindarin (Low Elvish). Sauron could change shape at will, and he controlled many men and creatures. After his defeat by Isildur and loss of the One Ring, however, he could no longer assume a pleasing human form and most often appeared as a large eye. Just knowing that the Ring he had fashioned was out there gave him power, and he used it to control the Nazgûl. Sauron com- municated with Saruman via the palantír. He lived
in Mordor at the tower of Barad-dûr, but after the destruction of the One Ring was seen no more.
Witch-King of Angmar: Leader of the Nazgûl, he was also called the Captain of Despair. He wore a black cloak and cape and had a crown on his head, but there was no head or face visible, just two burning eyes in the blank darkness. He was impervious to the swords and strikes of Men and completely in thrall to the power of Sauron through the One Ring. Lady Éowyn of Rohan and Merry killed the Witch-King at the Bat- tle of Pelennor Fields: Neither of the two were Men. The word nazgûl means “ringwraith” in Black Speech.
Magical Creatures.
some are creepy:
Some of Tolkien’s creature are noble;
Balrog: Translated from Low Elvish as “power-terror” or “demon of might,” the Balrogs were monstrous spirits of fire with many-thonged whips of flame
that lived in darkness. The Dwarves uncovered one near the mithril vein in Khazad-dûm, leading to their. The departure from the mines. When Sauron put Orcs in the mines to fight the Dwarves, the Balrog was their feared leader. Gandalf defeated the Balrog after a 10- day duel.