Lords Forsaken is a innovative game on Linea that is similar to Splinterlands but has some twists and turns that make it a different type of experience as it offers you more decision making during the battle to effect its out comes like the ability to change your line up by inserting new cards once your mana has recharged enough during a match. The play lets you employ more of a in the moment strategy and makes you think on your feet with choices that must be made that could either win or lose you the battle.
The in game currency FAITH is traded on Lynex.fi a DEX on Linea and offers gamers the ability to provide liquidity and earn not only the transaction fees from people playing the game and interacting with the contract to either buy or sell FAITH but also gets you LXP-L points for Linea's airdrop which judging by the other drops this year is likely to be a lucrative thing to be a part of which is icing on the cake just make sure you sign up and register your address for LXP-L voyage using the link below to ensure you are getting LXP-L points. I have accrued almost 50000 LXP-L points so far and as I have been bridging liquidity over to Linea to farm LXP-L that number is increasing faster and faster. If the drop is good some of the profits could be used to fund a nice deck in Lords Forsaken as well as take some profit on it which is what I plan to do my self is keep a portion and sell a portion to fund additional upgrades to the deck and expand my collection value getting the Alpha versions of the cards while available as they will always likely be the most valuable and rare cards especially the promo NFT where only 8 ppl qualify as of this moment me being the latest one to hit the 1200 rating threshold to get the NFT on the 7th for free. Having 1/8 say would be a huge win for anyone who took the time to get in early and test out the game as this NFT will likely be one of the high demand high priced cards when the game keeps adding more users as many will want a copy just to flex that they have one or use it to win battles if it is a powerful card which due to its exclusivity is likely the case.
I started off my liquidity position with a small amount and will be dca adding over time to increase its size so I do not buy all of the tokens at any single price minimizing the chances that I over pay. After launch is when I will be adding a larger deposit after I see how the markets react to the launch and if the liquidity is needed and the fees warrant a additional deposit as well as all earnings from the game will be deposited in the LP for a while until it is built up and emitting enough fees to cover purchases weekly for me in the card markets to build up my deck and keep adding to the LP and at some point once I have added my target amount I will start to take profits out of the LP to stake as well as cash out some of them but in the beginning most will got o staking so I can solidify a position of influence if it becomes a DAO governance token down the road as well as solidify my income stream in FAITH and WETH from passive sources and not active gaming. The goal will be to build up the LP as much as I can for a good 6 months so I can have the fees at a significant level as well as get more LXP-L as I want to get as much as possible for the drop.https://app.lordsforsaken.com?ref=03c3d535aff21535
Use my link below to get into the game and get your NFT before they cant be minted anymore after tomorrow! Also dont forget to sign up for Lineas surge for LXP-L and add liquidity in the FAITH/WETH LP pool to help keep the currency stable and earn a fee for doing it.
If you want the NFT make sure you login to the game using metamask only its very important and anyone in the telegram or discord can help you set this up myself included as I have already done so for my self and helped a few others set there accounts up. Once set up its simple there is not really on going steps to do you just log in and play. Click below and get in on the action. Also the price point to get into the game and try it is miniscule compared to SPL so if you want to possibly get in to a game like SPL was back in its Alpha days where things were affordable and its possible to earn with a small investment as well early on and later you may benefit from having all the early rare NFTs like in SPL are worth the most money down the line. This time I will not be selling any for a while until I see some appreciation as well and will also be renting them if and when there is a rental market for the game.
The sky is the limit and another huge deal is that its on a EVM chain which exposes it to many many more users and the first game on Linea as well so it has a chance at grabbing a large market as it progresses.
So really you do not have anything to lose especially if you get in and get in and get on the leaderboard before the 7th to mint your NFT and possibly win packs as well so you could start your gaming out free if you just play a bit in the test phase before launch.
See below for the LXP-L registration for your address so you accrue points
See below for some screen shots of me opening packs that I received as part of the testing group! The new cards I received made all the difference and made my deck much stonger and I will be going for the top spot or close to it today on the leaderboard to win packs valued at a few dollars a pack with the highest prize being 10 at the top so that is a pretty good payout for the effort you need to put in as well and it gives you a opportunity to start and play for free and build up your deck for free if you win.