BREAK DOWN:James Comey: Loretta Lynch Ordered Me to Downplay Hillary Clinton's 'Criminal Investigation'

in #loretta-lynch8 years ago (edited)


Summary - 1) @ 0:20 - Comey admits the news got many many stories wrong (thus confirming fake news); 2) @ 0:55 - Comey admits that Trump did not tell him to stop the investigation but that if there are people in his circle who did anything wrong to get the investigation done (thus confirming that Trump's actions were not in any way Obstruction of Justice); 3) @ 1:17 - Comey admits that Loretta Lynch instructed him to downplay the investigation into Hillary's emails (shows that the administration under Obama was involving itself and applying pressure on Comey and the FBI - not really Obstruction or a matter where anyone could or should be investigated however Lynch did give Comey a direct order to state it as a "matter" rather than an "investigation" which is more than what Trump did since Trump never directed Comey to do anything other than get the investigation done so that they could move on. This looks pretty bad for the people against Trump. Basically Comey backed up Trump stating that the news was wrong (aka Fake). He backed up Trump is stating that Trump is not being investigated and has nothing to do with the Russian probe and in fact that Trump did not tell him to stop the investigation but rather told him to finish the investigation and charge anyone with whatever they find and lastly made Clinton look bad in that Loretta Lynch met up with Bill on the tarmac and then applied pressure on Comey to downplay the whole thing. Yeah don't know how the media or the people against Trump are going to be able to spin this as this came right out of Comey's mouth

Now he is being investigated for pressuring Comey to come out and say he is not being investigated. Next, another investigation will be opened to investigate the investigation that investigated why he asked Comey not to investigate the investigation that he originally investigated.


The perfect storm;Lynchgate, Seth Rich, and Pedogate