Tips and Tricks to Find a Lost Dog

in #lost8 years ago

Realizing your dog is missing is a horrible feeling.


Finding your dog can be one of the most difficult things to do because dogs can cover a lot of ground in a very short time.

Dogs are friendly and will get into a car with strangers or follow a stranger home if they can not find you.

The fact that your dog will return to the spot they last saw you in greatly overlooked when a dog is lost.


Here are tips for finding your lost dog.

An old Hunting Dog Trick

Hunters who use dogs know to leave their jacket where they turned the dogs loose if the dogs have not returned from the hunt by the time the hunters leave the field. The hunter will return the next day to find the dogs sleeping on the jackets.

When you first realize the dog is missing place a piece of your clothing at the last place you saw the dog.

If the dog escaped from the yard or house then place the dog’s bed or blanket where they can find it. Place the bed outside of the yard or house with a bowl of food.

If the dog got loose when you were walking it in a public place then leave an article of yours at the spot you lost the dog and then begin the search. Chances are when you check back at the Last Known Location of the dog, the dog will be there wondering where you are.


An old Dog Breeder Trick

If the dog has ran off from your home or yard put some of your dog’s food or snacks in the dog’s bowl and shake the bowl as you look for the dog. This works best with dry food so if your dog eats wet food but likes dry dog bones or treats use those instead.

The idea is to shake the food in the bowl so that the dog thinks you are feeding. The dog can hear the food hit the bottom of the bowl from a very long way away.

Keep this in mind as you make the food hit the bowl sound like feeding time.

You can use your hand to drop the food piece by piece into the bowl as a tease to prompt the dog to come to you.

Rocks and a tin can will work too if a bowl and food are not nearby. This works great for horses that are hard to catch too.


Let’s Go Trick

If the dog has just now ran off or became lost try honking the horn on your car. Animals often come to noises to investigate what is going on.

If your dog knows the sound of the horn they will come to the car. Starting the car can work the same way. Dogs learn how the cars in the family each sound like and they know when you are leaving you start the car.

If the dog is lost in a strange place and arrived in the car when they hear the car start they will not want to be left behind and will return to the car. Do not drive off to look for the dog to fast, give the dog time to come to the noise of car starting.

This works at home for dogs who like to go for rides in the family car.


"Do you think they miss us yet ?"