So i have Collected this set from the time it has come out, 147 missing cards total from all 6 sets. Cards are marked out. For a total of 1415 out of 1562 cards, extra wizards, safe havens and 9 promos. I also have a Slipcase lord of the Rings Book, Promo dice, Map, 3 Game Sourcebooks and VHS. you also get my play decks. (other half of the box) and just for fun the meh condition roleplaying book.
Selling to move, ebay link below.
Middle Earth Limited page 1
Middle Earth Limited page 2
Dark Minions
Lidless Eye page 1
Lidless Eye page 2
Against the shadows
White Hand
More stuff
Ebay link
not sure why it cuts my pictures off short
they aren't cutting off for me