Cool idead inded.
It would be nice if their was a quick pick feature, or like a recurring payment. Hrmmm. I guess A user could set up a recurring payment to happen each week with an amount and a memo that has the numbers in it...
How long does one have to delgate to @hive.curation before they can claim a lotto ticket?
Is the project up and running today?
I plan to launch this week but will wait a couple of days to see if I can get any feedback and comments to help finalise how to play this game. There is no requirement on the duration of delegation, as long as you are still delegating your ticket will be valid for the drawing. One ticket for every 1000 HP delegationHi, @jacuzzi,
@jacuzzi, sorry for tagging you, just let you know the game is running now. and the winner in round 1 got a prize of 3 Hives with a single ticket!:) Check it out.