ACL Slugfest

in #louisville7 years ago

I had the chance to visit Slugfest II, Armored Combat League and Medieval Festival this afternoon. I didn't get the chance to go last year for the initial event, so I was quite excited to visit it this year.

I arrived late because I had more Japanese beetles that needed killing, and some trees that needed some quick pruning. The event was held on a farm outside of Jeffersontown, Sunny Acres Farm. It's a surprisingly nice and easy drive on the back roads in the southeast part of the county, where it's still quiet and rustic.

After parking, I made my way to the main grounds, finding by the music from the loudspeakers. Nothing says "medieval" like heavy metal music on a loudspeaker.

An armored competitor was waiting in the enclosure, and the challenger was on his way. Finally, they began to fight, swinging large, two-handed swords, clashing against their armor and helmets. I assumed correctly the way were specially designed, and blunted, so you couldn't chop off arms and legs ("Come back you, I'll bite your bloody legs off!"), but you certainly could bruise and get bashed.

Bash they did. They didn't hold back and I could tell, you gotta be tough to do this.

Imagine what it was like in the old days.

Now, I'm not a true historian, but I've read a book or two, and listened to a podcast or three, and I know a few things about the history of war. Many times in history, battles are not fought between two simple armies, but against a third, more powerful opponent. The weather has always played a massive role bringing armies to heel.

The weather defeated Slugfest today. Late Junes in Kentucky can be oppressive with the mightiest tag-team of Heat and Humidity destroying all before them. The sun bore down on us all hard, temperature was in the mid-90s, humidity in the upper 70%s. A heat advisory had been declared days before.

These knights never had a chance.

Indeed, as I spoke to some of the attendees, the earlier combat rounds saw many combatants going down in defeat, not from their opponent, but the weather. The physical exertion, the armor and the quilting, plus the heat; it was just too much. Many passed out from the ordeal. The last match was cut short from the heat, and so was the tournament.

Side note: I got some great wings from The Celtic Pig, operating their small smoker there.

I'm interested in learning more about the Louisville Royals and Armored Combat League. It should be interesting. Maybe I'll suit up myself some day.