Human beings have this tendency to rage out loud about things they do not approve of. The more unattractive something is - the more they rage.
Another case of injustice took place - let us get to the root of it, someone is acting out of line - let us express our opinions, kids starving, people dying - let us make sure that we acknowledge it by sharing the information, by feeling sad and using "Cry" emoji to make sure that the world knows how sad we are about it. Inadequate political leaders doing their stuff - let us start making monkey faces: mock, make jokes and even memes, etc.
What do people expect by offering their reaction and angry words? Sudden improvement? A Miracle? Did anything or anyone in a history of humanity ever change in this manner?
Understanding that humanity is programmed to self-destruct in various ways might bring a relief to those who still remember how to think for themselves. The mind is programmed to operate on low frequencies, it is programmed to react, to judge, etc.
"How did this happen to us?"- we ask.
One very old and wise shaman I once met said quietly "They gave us their mind."
Consciously accepting the fact that the mind is programmed can open a new way of relating to the SELF and to the world around.
When the programmed mind is watched instead of listed to, when it is continuously spied on, rather then believed - new neurons become active, new passages open, and cosmic initiation takes place.. New level of AWARENESS is born.
ENERGY world operates on a different mode then the human mind does. In the void of invisible focusing on a certain expression/facet of reality means giving energy to it.
The energy world has no common sense or logic. Energy gets activated by FOCUS - who feels or says what is irrelevant, Focus means giving energy. That is all to it.
So, the very same president who is mocked - gets more energy, the injustice, the chaos that are talked about - get stronger when fueled by the energy of FOCUS.
Anger, rage, or any sorts of reactions produce energy that the heartless machine feasts on. Those emotions mean low frequency, disconnection, disharmony. The numerous body-less entities that co-exist right next to a human realm gather around this kind of vibe to party...
"So, what to do then? Pretend like it is not happening?"
The answer is - unless You INTEND to act, to do something about the very thing that causes you to react - it is more beneficial for you and everyone else to withdraw your attention and direct the focus to something You wish to GROW bigger and better.
Mystery/The invisible/Infinite Void/God (whatever word you like to use) does not like wasting energy, it knows the value of it.
There are many creative ways to fight for the goodness in this world, if fighting is what you chose. Good cosmic warrior remembers the wise words of Lao Tzu "Best fighter is never angry."
The heart knows this simple truth, the SOUL knows how Infinite Intelligence works, it is a part of it. It is the mind that needs reminding.
When TRUTH comes from the HEART, it comes as a respectful observation, it is clear and kind, it carries a certain tone of ALLOWING for everything to take it's course, the HEART sees differently.
Human HEART knows that it is quiet gentle LOVE (in it's highest expression) that creates miracles, galaxies and worlds, like a laser it penetrates through the low frequencies of existence and transforms them.
You&me have the power of our HEARTs.
~ from Breathe & Evolve (Life from Cosmic Point of View)