The only virus that requires your attention is the collective virus of the mind.
You think You are thinking, but You are listening, you are receiving thought forms... Unless you are AWARE of it and WILLING TO REWIRE YOURSELF - You will keep running those programs, convinced that this is You thinking those thoughts.
You are programmed to think in a certain way - self-destructing, unkind to yourself & others, reactive, in one word - neurotic.
You are programmed to use fight or flight response.
Ever observed your own self reacting to something that you disagree with? You are wired to react, to operate on a stress mode. This mode keeps you addicted to drama and feeds the machine.
if You make it a habit to spy on your mind, You will have a good time watching the greatest comedy in the world, it is a free entertainment that comes with being a human.
There is no greater gift to give to Your SELF then freedom from programming and stepping out of the collective neurosis.
Instead of spending all that ENERGY on fighting for your limitations and judging, instead of shouting how bad things are
intend to practice PRESENCE and LIGHTHEARTEDNESS.,
ALLOW the world and others to be as they are, and give yourself permission to be the YOU that you desire to BE.
Teach yourself to BE STILL, to BE CALM, to respond from your spiritual center, rather then react on autopilot.
Develop a sense of humor, reduce the importance of the external, increase your personal connection with HIGHER INTELLIGENCE/MYSTERY/GOD.
You are a powerful BEING of CONSCIOUSNESS, perfectly capable to monitor your personal vibration, not a puppet in someone else's script.
Claim your right to THINK & CHOOSE for your SELF, WHOLENESS, HARMONY & FREEDOM are your birth right.
~ Breathe & Evolve (Life From a Cosmic Point of View)