That is Why We Came Here

in #love5 years ago


Hypnotized by the system, You keep giving your energy away, your precious life force that is meant to fuel your HEART dreams and your SOUL purpose is feeding the heartless machine instead.

While operating on a program - You remain asleep and unaware.

You feed your BODY so called food that has been created for business, not for your WELL-BEING. Smitten and charmed by it's easy access and availability, labels like NATURAL & VEGAN, you buy it; it does not occur to you to question the nutritional and vibrational value or the long-term effects of these synthetic cheaply produced substances on your cells/your DNA/your state of being. In the next chapter of this book you will read what this unconscious consumption does to a beautiful cosmic creation that You so casually call "me.'

You allow all sorts of pollution into your MIND. You hold your focus on what has been chosen for you -<listen to this news/pay attention to that event/be afraid of this virus.>
Mesmerized by numerous images of the reality around you, you give your energy to the things that rob you of your Soulfulness, and You do not even know it. You see flashy adds that send you subliminal messages on every day basis:
<like this/buy this/eat this/look like this/think like this, etc>.
The more you find yourself glued to your blinking devises - the more hijacked you are by AI. You find it harder and harder to find pleasures of life outside of WiFi zone. Right this very moment, as you are reading these words, your attention is grabbed by the stream of my thoughts that I dare to share in hope to inspire the MYSTIC, the MAGICIAN in You. Watch where your attention will go after this and challenge yourself to ask if it serves your SOUL.

On top of it all, you are often surrounded by those who are even more confused and unaware, they unconsciously trigger you, you find yourself reacting. You watch the ones who seem to have their gig together and You begin to feel inadequate, insecure and not-good-enough. You react again. You start blaming yourself or others and begin to question your cosmic intelligence or the justice of it all. Here come depressions, addictions, and to some - even suicidal thoughts. Your frequency drops, your energy gets low. All these frictions are being harvested by predator consciousness, the very same energy that created the machine/system. You can find more information on how it works in well-written article called 'Emotional Management" by Robert Monroe, the founder of the Light Institute.


What is the purpose of this collective hypnotic state of humanity?
The purpose is - to keep luminous cosmic powerful beings like you&me disconnected from our POWER, from Higher Intelligence, from the majestic infinite void where there is a place for
e v e r y t h i n g imaginable, where anything is possible, where You can be and do a n y t h i n g your cosmic HEART desires, where you can live your life in ALIGNMENT with your own higher purpose.
The purpose is for You to forget your soul purpose and become a useful particle of the system .

If this is a new information to you, do not rush to produce a reaction to such a revelation, my friend. This has goodness in it too. This messy trippy experience bares gifts for those of us who are here for the delight of TRANSFORMATION.
We have been called by many names - star seeds, rainbow consciousness warriors, Earth-lovers, soul-whisperers, witches & wizards, energy shamans, alchemists, healers, harmonizers, system-hackers, reality-shifters, transformers, etc.......these are just words making a silly attempt to describe the humble portals/channels of the indescribable -
Higher Intelligence
Infinite Void
Quantum field
Universe.. Mystery has so many names...
Let us not get lost in words again.
Let us stay focused on waking ourselves up from this collective hypnosis, waking up to our true essence, to the HEART, to the SOUL, and staying awake. That is why we came here.

~ Breathe & Evolve (Life from a Cosmic Point of View)