..."We fight fear by embracing love in all its forms in our lives. Integrity, rationality, morality are natural biorhythms of the human heart, all else is engineered deviance and darkness. The cycle of chaos and destruction ends here with Gaia’s ascension. We hold passion as our purpose, love as our goal and peace as our Right. We stay in energetic frequencies of love and abundance by dropping into gratitude. Stay mindful, present and Dreamweave beautiful people, the world is ours to create, resist Fear and Embody love by being posssiiiittiivvee. The Dark Tide wins if we give into fear, truth and divinity will level the playing field. 444 lightbody activations are levelling us up. It’s all to play for beautiful people, in love and light." https://awakening5dhealing.com/2020/03/13/lightbody-activation-plagues-politics-and-zoning/