Loving yourself is a full time job !!!
Love yourself work on yourself .....So many times in my life I've heard these words from friends and family... but if I'm honest I didn't have a fucking clue what it REALLY meant or where to even start fixing myself...
It's only when everything and I mean everything went shit show sideways... I literally hit ROCK BOTTOM ... I finally clicked. Everything I needed to do and work on all of a sudden made sense. It's then that I decided to put a stop to the mind fucking madness I've been putting myself through and I got off the please tell me I'm good enough emotional rollercoaster for good !!! It was time to take a long hard look at myself my issues where they came from and how to heal and work on my emotional wounds and triggers...
Having a healthy self esteem and non negotiable boundaries was the fist step of my journey to destination LOVE myself ... cause by the looks of things I had very little to none of all the above for myself.... And I totally relied on other people to determine my value and worth...
<3 @lovecuration