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RE: A Sad UPDATE on @lynncoyle1 and @briancourteau

in #love6 years ago

What an absolutely gut wrenching post. I do not know you guys you and I have only interacted a few times through comments, but I’ve been following closely ever since I first read about you 2. My eyes welled up reading this not only for the obvious difficult situation you guys are in, but for the absolute love that eminates from your words. I wish there were something...anything we could say or do to help the situation. Just know you both have the support of a community that truly cares behind you...whatever that’s worth. ❤️❤️


You leaving this comment is so unbelievably helpful ... and so very kind. The support of the community has given me such strength over these last several months; just knowing that so many are rooting for us, and care about our situations gives us both so much peace.

Thank you so much @blewitt <3

No problem. It’s always so hard to know what to say to someone as they face severe adversity. Glad it could help remind you that we do care.
