So on my way home yesterday after work, I heard on the radio that a 42year old Nigerian man had beaten his 42year old Nigerian wife to death and was arraigned to court where he pleaded guilty to the crime. I was so sad by the situation that I almost shed a tear for the destiny that was carelessly cut short because of 'LOVE'.
It is indeed heart breaking the number of women that lose their lives on a daily basis to their abusive partners all over the world. What is more sad is the continuous endurance of the people who still have a chance to leave before it becomes too late.
I have no experience in marriage in the real sense of it because I mean I have never been married before but I just don't understand or get the reason why people would choose to pretend than to walk out in one piece. Could it be that societal expectations has brainwashed and burdened them that they become stuck?
The truth is that any relationship can be toxic. Be it work relationships, family relationship but toxicity in intimate relationships seems to be at the fore front of toxic relationships in the world with people loosing their lives on a daily basis because of this phenomena.
There are a thousand and one signs of being in a toxic relationship but I have taken my time based on experience to come up with these few which are sometimes neglected as signs of toxicity. They include;
1 When your partner talks badly about you to friends and family members consistently, thereby making them judge you based on his own opinion.
2 When your partner compares you with other people expecting you to be like them and emulate their life style.
3 When your partner blames you for bad actions towards you stating you are the reason for whatever bad action by them towards you.
4 When your partner uses abusive words that gives you derogatory feelings.
5 When you partner is not genuinely invested or interested in your growth or success and is even sometimes unhappy that you are doing better.
6 When you walk on egg shells to avoid upsetting your partner.
I urge us all to watch out for relationships that drain us and make us feel less than we are. I plead with us to please chose life over death this day as stated in Deuteronomy 30:15-20. I pray for everyone going through this situation. I pray for the strength to be strong enough to do what is right by their existence
Thank you for reading and please drop your comment to encourage people. You never know who you are helping out with one kind word
Well done Bombom