I 'm still wondering how he actually got word of your mom's service.
Being somewhat "elderly" myself, I probably read it and missed it.
It wouldn't be a first, butI have my own theory, until I hear otherwise.
I don't want to get all gushy, but that was a well written article.
Love to y'all.
Oh man this sure is a pleasant surprise, we love you right back! I only miss you all the time homes—that’s all.
Jimbo is one of a kind, we all are. Every crew needs a bad grandpa, too. 👍🏿 C’mon down, I know you said this time next year but just give me a 60 day window and I’ll see you when you get here. We’ll make sure we have an accommodating Air B&B when we have visitors.
Don’t be shy—this ain’t Long Beach.
Thanks for stopping by @carklevicci. Great to hear from you.