FORWARD: ChrisRice.blog. My main website is now ChrisRice.xyz.This post was initially written on January 6th, 2018 but I am now uploading it to the Steem blockchain via @engrave on
To: @zaclucas,
Right before you were born I made a decision to stop dreaming. To just live things as they are. I felt like everything I asked for was given to me but that the cost of my dreams were too high, and then you were born.
You were born a bit preterm but got older. As you got older you got stronger, and now I get to see the sparkle in your eyes when you smile with joy. That’s when it hit me. It actually just hit me today. I can dream again. I can dream again for you. This time I’ll analyze my dreams so that no one will be hurt and so that everyone will benefit. I’ll dream of a better society in the same way I dreamed of you.
You are when dreams come true. I love you, Baby Zac.

Happy family awesome
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you @blaogao 😊
Perfect couple. Glad to see you guys happy with each other :).
Thank you @jassennessaj :)