Love was something that was created by the Father- The Almighty God. It has three brothers and they are Hope and Faith. But among it's siblings Love is the greatest and so far has not gotten any other to compete that position. Among these three siblings- Love, Hope and Faith; it is best to adopt all but the Father made us understand that even if one can not afford to get these three brothers, it is very important that you get the most important of them all, which is love.
Love so far has been misconstrued, misinterpreted and badly misused. However, I hope that at the end of this post that we would see that love is even richer, better and healthier than we make it seem. Love was invented to give peace of mind, to correct every wrong and bring peace that mankind deserves.
Love was brought to mankind to live and dwell in our hearts.
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends
Having gone through what genuine love is, it is not what anyone can just do. It takes grace to love. It is important to understand that love and attachment are two different things. That you are dependent on someone and fantasize about another person does not mean that one is genuinely in love.
Love is stronger than we think and takes little energy than we think it consumes. From what I have understood about love; it is a virtue, a character and the vibe that makes you stand out; it never hurt another person, it is kind, calm and not demanding. It shares, lightens and carries the burden of others. It does not take and take, it is interested in given as well. Love has no ego, it does not take pleasure in the suffering of others, it gives a hand and it appreciate human.
No one could actually see it, but once you have it, others could see it oozing out through you. Finally Love balances all equations.
Is Love spiritual or religion?
First I would like to explain in plain terms as brief as possible the meaning of religion and spirituality. I would like to chip in as well that these two terms which are used together in most cases are not the same.
Religion and spirituality have also been misunderstood and so, people do not know which is which. Being religious means belonging to an established religious order, whether large or small. This includes religions with billions of followings such a Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. It simply means that going to church and worshiping any deity either the God in heaven, stones or what have you is considered as religion and not spiritual.
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. When people ask me what I think about spirituality and religion; I say to them that I do not throw anyone away and as a matter of fact try to strike a balance between these two.
Spirituality is when you have elevated yourself from that of a slaved mind to an empowered mind. When you are transformed from one who begs through life to one who is self-reliant. While spirituality may incorporate elements of religion, it is generally a broader concept. Religion and spirituality are not the same thing, nor are they entirely distinct from one another.
To the question above, love is spiritual. Love is something that is to be exhibited because we know it is right. This love am talking about is not the erotic kind of it but the genuine love that is necessary and important in every life and in the world we live in.
Knowing and accepting love as spiritual does not only make us stand out, it gives us a sense of belonging, joy and inner happiness. Spirituality brings about contentment, knowing that what you do is for the good of others around you and this is a typical example of how love should be portrayed.
Well, with spirituality there is only Love, it encourages you to focus all of your energy only on the good, and to act only based on love.
This is a key point for me as any choice made out of fear will not be good for your soul. Whereas decisions made out of love will empower you, make you braver and feed your soul.It shows you how to stand despite being afraid, how to move on doing what you feel is right despite the consequences that may come. Only love can make one think good of others, it opens your heart to hidden truth and brings about inner peace.
So far love has proven to see the need of others than ours, to put others first in all we do and all the good things that comes with it. You would agree with me that it is actually a privilege to have a love that is genuine and free of errors for others. This is said to be spiritual because in doing so you are elevated and empowered at a very high level.
what are the simple ways you can sow love? The simple ways that one can exhibit this love is by thinking good of others, giving and being charitable, showing mercy and comforting others. Letting go of our pride and bringing ourselves to making others happy and cherished. It in in the service of others and not finding it too much of a big deal.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- Mahatma Gandhi-
I would end here with a departing note of:
To love is to cherish mankind and in doing that you are spiritually inclined.
Thank you for reading.
Image credits : Top image is public domain from Pixabay. Shankar quote from Quotefancy. Others via Google and not subject to copyright.
"All you need is love" :D
8 Different Types of Love
“Eros” or Erotic Love. The first kind of love is Eros, which is named after the Greek god of love and fertility. ...
“Philia” or Affectionate Love. ...
“Storge” or Familiar Love. ...
“Ludus” or Playful Love. ...
“Mania” or Obsessive Love. ...
“Pragma” or Enduring Love. ...
“Philautia” or Self Love. ...
“Agape” or Selfless Love.
For me the last type of love is:
one simply cannot give a proper definition about LOVE - and that's the BEAUTY of it - everyone has his personal experience with it

Oh yeah!
Just share, share, share the love, love, love!
Seen these around before ~ such sweet and on point wee animations.
Wish they were mine :)
Just hang on - Valentine's day is coming - you will see millions of little harts everywhere :) :) :)

Hahaha... Valentine's day hat right?
right! only few days away :)
Catch it!
Great comment.
thank you for sharing the different types of love tho...
You're welcome!
Love is endless. My love is forever for you baby (Kib) ;)
I love the fact the something of spiritual implication is coming from this handle. My opinion is that God is love and Love is God.
Hahahh yes I do not know if you have seen this.
God is love...
Anyone who lives in God
He lives in love
And God in him.
This is to say that God is love and anyone who loves is in God.
Love is an active verb. It is not just a feeling. God so loved that He gave his only begotten Son. Jesus so loved that He submitted to the will of His father and gave His life as a ransom for many.
Whether a person is religious or spiritual is not what is essential. What is necessary is to be in relationship with God the Father by placing one's trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross. To be assured of eternal life, "You must be born again" (John 3:7).
Love means never having to say your sorry
to define love what true love is,even the experts have to pause and think.
perhaps its because true love has different meaning for different peoples.
That was very refreshing @communitycoin.
That's true. Sorry will not be enough without actions.
That's it!
Not sure about ~ Love means never having to say sorry?
Personally I think it means knowing when to say sorry...
Wow....seriously best article about love..
Thank you dear ☺ for telling
a lot of talk about love, but whether any of us who really understand about love. is love the same about likes to someone? or is it love about how to relate to someone? love is still really a mystery. I still do not understand about love, is there someone who wants to teach me.
love is the purest feeling, but many times it's not pure.
Love is the motivation behind many of our dreams, actions and thoughts. People move across the country, quit jobs, stay in unhealthy situations, all because they want love and they think their actions will increase it. Yet we often have a lot of rules and ideas about love that stop us from feeling love for ourselves and others.
I like that! I agree with " Love is the motivation behind many of our dreams, actions and thoughts"
Yes, love is the motivation behind our dreams but along the way money come into the picture.
makes a feeling of security and unity.
makes a feeling of courage.
Love having different facets:
Love among father and son & daughter
Love among mother and son & daughter
Love between couples
Love between brother and sister
Love among sisters
Love among brothers
and so on....
Thanx a lot And a usefu article @communitycoin
Love is what money cannot buy.. the lord say that we must love our neighbors more than ourselves and if we truly love God we must do his teaching.. thank you lord for your unconditional love towards us. There is no greater love than giving your life for a friend. Thank you Lord for everything.
Thanks for such a nice sharing.
Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see their heart
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." ~ Steve Jobs
That was very refreshing @communitycoin. Much love..
Good one. I hope we all live in love
love is the most beautiful feeling in the world,
it present in the world in many in shapes,
1- mother
2- father-
All these relations makes it more powerful.
Love is the best thing ever unroll it destroys you from the inside out.
Steemit all the way.
Great post tnx for sharing I just upvoted.
Check out my new posts if you can plz
upvote resteem comment @gclipse
Love was something that was created by the Father- The Almighty God. It has three brothers and they are Hope and Faith..Am blessed!
Love means never having to say your sorry
to define love what true love is,even the experts have to pause and think.
perhaps its because true love has different meaning for different peoples.
I just upvoted and followed you, thanks for your post. Love can unite everything. By the way I am new to Steem, please support me back
As Love came from God, it is supposed to make us a better person. To give without being asked, to extend a helping hand to the needy, to keep understanding in the midst of confusion, to forgive and not hold grudges, and to be kind. As it is from God, I think it is overwhelming for us humans that is why we try to fit love into our own definition--to show it in our own ways, it maybe selfish or unselfish. We accept and give love we think the world deserves. Anyway, great post. Havea great day!
You know it's love when you think of her well being and happiness more than yours.
God bless you for clarifying the misconception and miss interpretation of love. Love is one of the greatest quality that would last forever. Every beautiful and amazing thing that happens to us is as a result of love. I would also love to appreciate you for giving a reasonable and concise information on religion and spirituality. For me I think it is better to be spiritual than to be religious, because being religious sometimes can limit the quality of love in you but being spiritual gives you opportunities to demonstrate that love. Although, truly striking a balance is the best.
Love is not an emotion but an action; it is the extent to which you can give of yourself to another that it can said that you love the person, the idea or the thing.
Very true.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️ I love how you speak of love... Loving genuinely is a wonderful and self-fulfilling experience and blessing. Even when we give, sometimes empty ourselves, for others, we are still filled. Isn’t that amazing? 😄
Thanks for sharing!
Very true. Love propels one to live for others. That act alone is happiness and all this is comprised in love.
Yet our government and world leaders don't love us.
I remember giving a message to a group of young hopefuls where I taught them the mnemonics for love which I coined as, Live Of Various Experiences (L. O. V. E). And this is very true! Love comes with a lot of experiences, and the more we love the better we live. Let us all join the love wagon to share the undying love of Christ for humanity!
Love is Respect , Love is understanding, Love is feeling.....Love is everything.
Love make people to b in happy, loves makes the world beautiful.....a true feeling developed between two individual without any reason or relation to make our existence prime ....important.
Have mankind " LOVE" in last year? After 2000' years...all "LOVE" goes to nowhere...
In my way to became a Pornstar Girl. I will follow you when you show me some love. Btw, I'm real...check my username writed on my body
The word is so loaded and corrupted that I hardly like to use it. Everybody talks of love—every magazine and newspaper and every missionary talks everlastingly of love. I love my country, I love my king, I love some book, I love that mountain, I love pleasure, I love my wife, I love God. Is love an idea? If it is, it can be cultivated, nourished, cherished, pushed around, twisted in any way you like. When you say you love God what does it mean? It means that you love a projection of your own imagination, a projection of yourself clothed in certain forms of respectability according to what you think is noble and holy; so to say, ‘I love God’, is absolute nonsense. When you worship God you are worshipping yourself—and that is not love.

Love is the ultimate gift from God
Love is a very powerful tool... only the luckiest people have it
I am very happy that I stumbled upon your post here about Love which is intelligent and thought provoking.
I am an artist/writer/lightworker ~ spiritual never religious.
I have started a series of short form essays exploring my thoughts on love and would welcome your interaction(s) ~ if interested you can read the second one here (there is a link to the first at the foot of the second! ~ blimey, sounds like some kinda riddle).
With Love.
Hey @communitycoin. Can anyone contribute articles to your blog?
To love is to see beyond flaws and faults, it is not a feeling but a choice. If you say I love you to someone it means even though your not perfect my love covers your flaws making you perfect in my eyes. Love is what the world needs. The love I speak of is the love that is not bound by feelings, because when feelings fades that would mean love fades, but that called infatuation. This love I speak of is seen in actions rather than speech, because it is easy to say I love you but seen in your actions. So let us love today with purity because it is love that makes the world go round.
You are right. Thanks
Oh yehai
all you need is love
i love LOVE. Following you now, hope to hear from you as well.
Wow! Thank u for sharing... ^_^
This is always spoken of by people who know nothing of LOVE... It is good to have contents like this to teach people these things... Thanks
Love is investing in others without any expectation- that is what true love entails.
Nice article. Most of us do not experience real love in their lifetime. As you quite rightly point out, divine love knows no boundaries. In order to experience that, we must first cultivate an undivided mind.
From my experience, All is Love and all is Light. Ultimate Love is our Soul being endowed with the gift of eternally creating infinite expressions of the One Light we are. Within this, each Soul has its very unique sense of Love depending on how it wants to experience itself in each and every moment!