This guy is on the love frequency too!
If you travel to New York City go show your support of the love frequency and interact with this amazing human being!
This is his website
First few sentences on his website....
“We know who we are without knowing. Enlightenment is knowing that you don’t know. Enlightenment is given and received by Everything and nothing. Remembering. Serving reminders. The perfect time for advancement. The perfect time for evolution. Even if this whole planet is destroyed, it doesn’t matter, The only thing we need to do is KNOW WHO WE ARE and Choose Who the we wish to be. The GREATER HIGHER VERSION OF OURSELVES. Who are we? As Bob Marley said it ONE LOVE. One Love is the key to evolution. WE ARE ONE LOVE NOW.”
Very beautiful when we call the word love. Thank you, the information is very interesting
Truth is interesting!