Great article! You are exactly right. Kindness can diffuse situations and be used to break vicious cycles in relationships. Kindness is totally contagious. You are living proof of that! 😎
What you are saying is totally reflected and backed up by science. Have you ever heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiment and Rice Experiments. If not they will blow your mind!
Aww! I’m happy you read that one!:)
Thank you so much you’re too cute 😘💜🖤! You’re totally right! 🙌🏻
Thanks professor Jeffrey for teaching me something I did not know of! Will make sure to check them out!:)
You’re already blowing my mind so it will only add up🙊🙈😘
I'm the professor now? Since when? 😉
I make the rules 😋🙊🙈