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RE: Things To Note: For Her II, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #love6 years ago (edited)

I was done reading immediately i saw this keyword: "without Sincerity there can be no trust" and you cant love whom you dont trust.
And that just summarised it all for me..
Reasons: What we call a certain dish is a collection of ingredients and one key ingredients missing can kill the entire meal. In the same vain Love is a collection of a number of attributes and without trust both parties will be living in fools paradies.
NOTE: this goes for both parties anyway.
@olawalium and my boss as i fondly call, am enjoying my night winks
Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for this amazing input. Yes, honesty is a ket ingredient and if it is missing, nothing else works in a relationship. Thanks a lot for your kind words always. I appreciate it.