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RE: To Love or not to love?

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Why all of us?

It is the case that young people should have their ideas of romantic love, otherwise they would only have pure sex with each other, shortly after they are sexually mature and we all know how exciting it was to go to the public courtship display and have our first sexual experiences there in excitement.

Romantic love has replaced the purpose relationship or its opposite current has added meaning to the pure expediency of man and woman existence, in addition to reproducing oneself and forming a survival community that includes more than shelter and food. Without this romanticism, everything would still be a preservation of vested rights.

These errors in the story seem to be softening. The older you get, the less important romance is. Other things take this place. Like trust in each other and getting used to the quirks and peculiarities of a person with whom you are willing to live in relationship.

When there is no close relationship, one turns to other spiritual things and guards the treasures of insight and spiritual refuge for oneself. This is just one model among others. But age definitely has something to do with it and the maturity that life has brought.

I find myself already beyond romanticism, but would not have wanted to miss it in younger years, even if it was part of an illusion. This illusion led me to look for a third man after two men who suits me better. So it is now and I notice that some of my female friends keep it the same way and lead their relationships away from sexual needs, more a regular everyday life where the conflicts become less and one realizes that one can be mutually beneficial in old age. Since one' s own children no longer replace this part and leave the house just when they could finally be a full labour force. Many children are supported by their mature parents for a very long time. That is the lot of modern people. It has many advantages as well as disadvantages.

I will see if I can find and watch that movie.
Stay well, sister.


You sort of underscore my very key (and esoteric) point: it took you two mistakes to find the right man.....Okay not mistakes in any life-drama sense (even the drama is great for development) but as we will be running out of time and space for the next generations, something is going to have to become more efficient about love, and the other drivel has to be cut short. In my personal case with my son, e.g. there is not even Romantic romance, just second hand ideas, which leads to playing with hellish fire. Think of unwanted pregnancies ....
You have no regrets, great, and it makes you wise by human standards (and what else is there, you may fairly argue) but from an angel's perspective it is all still very personal. When will love become greater than that? That was what I was hoping somebody would end up asking themselves after my (manichaen) piece.
And so the psychologist and the metaphysician could debate forever more! But the psychologist would always win (they're on your side, sister!)

There was enough drama involved to learn from it:)
We are all on the same side, I guess. Just look from different angles and feelings or terminology.
Love will become the greatest the day we die, I think. There we probably will see and merge together with the All.

Very beautiful thought to bear in mind!
I sometimes even believe it myself!
The trick is to live as if it is the only truth.
Thank you for reminding me!

my pleasure. The word traveled also through me taken up from those who act as reminders:)